Sunday, September 16, 2012


VOLUPTUOUS:A Photography Exhibition & Body Painting Event
 Take a trip and view the latest photography work by Vincent Morris.
The exhibition focuses on body painting as it's theme. Free flowing
strokes of the brush are created by Agnar Bonavich. It was decided, 
once we saw each others art work to collaborate on a project. One  
that combined film photography and the art of body painting in a
visual and creative aspect.

Will be held in Tokyo's 
TEL: 03-3354-1624

Exhibition: Oct 27th~Nov 2nd, 2012
1st Party 10/27 15:30~18:30 (土)
2nd Party 10/28 15:30~18:30 (日)
Charge 2,500yen at the door.
food and drinks will be served.
There will also be a live body
painting show 16:00~17:00

   This is ART IROKE
For more info contact me@

The Voluptuous party
on Oct 27th & 28th was
a success, there was a good
turn out and the live
body painting show
was a hit.

I'd like to thank all
who came out for
the support and hope
to do it again in the
near future.

Monday, May 14, 2012

2012 Apostrophe's

Art Iroke photo exhibition, Tokyo's Shinjuku gallery Bricolage.

Apostrophe's was an exclusive exhibition
focused on the true beauty and glamour
of individual personalities captured on
film. It was pleasure to be able to work
with each of them on a personal level. 
This is what makes taking photos and
Art Iroke photography so enjoyable.

See you at the next Exhibition!!!
Vince M